Brit is general counsel for Khudairi Group, a lean multinational based in Houston, and has written and edited as a freelancer for years. She enjoys classic Russian lit, bluegrass, and splashing in the mountain creeks with her two mischievous boys.
Articles written by Brittainy Boessel

Are Anti-Assignment Clauses Enforceable?
Contracts, in general, are freely assignable, which means that either party can transfer its contractual obligations or rights to a third party.

The Role of AI in Contract Management
Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly marching into the legal industry, and many attorneys are nervous about its potential impact. We should not fear the evolution of AI in the legal profession; we should welcome it.

How to Ensure Contract Compliance
Many companies across industries devote a large portion of their spending to contracts. The global management consulting firm McKinsey & Company found that in the utilities, aerospace, defense, and food manufacturing industries, companies lock up at least 90 percent of their annual revenues in contracts.

Can AI Be Problematic in the Legal Sector?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is steadily gaining traction in the legal sector, and some practitioners worry about the changes it’s bringing.

Boilerplate Clauses in Commercial Contracts
Consumers routinely ignore the small print in contracts. It makes sense that we ignore fine print since we’re inundated with it when we buy software, join websites, or sign credit card agreements.